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PeakFlow Series

Scale Prevention System

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Navien PeakFlow® protects your complete water supply system

PeakFlow C

A highly recommended scale prevention system for larger residential and commercial applications up to 20 gpm. This environmentally friendly system is a “must buy” in areas of hard water and when sized correctly can help to ensure the performance and longevity of your system.

 Learn more about the
PeakFlow C model

Peakflow c 17acccrop

PeakFlow A

This advanced water treatment system is not only chemical-free and anti-scaling but has higher flow rates up to 10 gpm for residential or commercial, point of entry and point of use applications.

 Learn more about the
PeakFlow A model

Peakflow a 08

Trusted Navien product for years

Navien…a world leader in innovative, energy-efficient, eco-friendly tankless water heaters, combi-boiler, and boilers has been the trusted brand for today’s contractors and homeowners.

PeakFlow water treatment systems have been protecting Navien products from damaging lime/calcium deposits for years. Now…Navien PeakFlow water treatment technology is available for your complete residential or commercial water supply systems.

Learn more about the PeakFlow Series
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  • Peakflow-feature-img-dhw

    DHW piping

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    Tankless water heater heat exchanger

  • Peakflow-feature-img-ah

    Water heater outlet


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