Common Vent Collar Kit
Required for Cascade/common vent installations with NPE-2, NFC-H, NFB-H, NHB-H, and NHB (NHB -110 & NHB-150 models) series units produced on or after September 15, 2016. Includes Cascade Cable (GXXX000546), VID jumper cable and common vent collar damper.

HotButton™ Kit
Designed for NPE-A. NPN-U, NPN-E, and NHW-A series. HotButton™ kit allows manual operation of a recirculation pump (ComfortFlow™ on NPE-A). Includes an add-on PCB, 1 push button and wall plate.
"Extra push button for use with HotButton and extra wall plate.
Extra wall plate for use with HotButton and extra HotButton push buttons.
Learn more about HotButton™ Kit

NaviCirc is a simple plumbing device that uses the existing hot and cold water lines to reduce the wait time for hot water at the faucet without the need for a dedicated recirculation return line.
NaviCirc Valve Kit includes the NaviCirc Valve (PFFW-SXX-001) and two 1/2" x 3/8" flexible hoses and adapters.
Learn more about NaviCirc™

Highly recommended for protecting hydronic heating systems by capturing magnetite and iron oxides. Especially important in retrofit situations where older piping exists.
Learn more about NaviClean™

NaviLink Lite™ Wi-Fi Control
This add-on accessory will enable customers with smartphones and tablets to control temperatures remotely, access usage data and receive diagnostic notifications on all Navien products (NPE-2, NPN-U, NPN-E, NCB-H, NFC-H, NFB-H, NHB, NHB-H and NHW-A). Works with only one Navien unit via Wi-Fi connection.
Learn more about NaviLink Lite™ Wi-Fi Control

NaviLink® Wi-Fi Control
This add-on accessory will enable customers with smartphones and tablets to control temperatures remotely, access usage data and receive diagnostic notifications on all Navien products (NPE, NPE-2, NPN-U, NPN-E, NCB-E, NCB-H, NFC, NFC-H, NFB, NFB-H, NFB-C, NHB, NHB-H and NHW-A).
NaviLink cable. Allows you to expand your NaviLink control to a maximum of 3 channels for monitoring 3 banks of 8 units. Requires NaviLink Control.
Learn more about NaviLink® Wi-Fi Control

Neutralizer, Light Commercial
Designed to neutralize the condensate of up to: 6 units NPE, NCB, NFC, NFB, NHB-H and NHB; 3 units NFB-301C; 2 units NFB-399C
Replacement Media for Light Commercial Neutralizer.

Outdoor Sensor & Wire
The outdoor sensor and wire is designed to allow outdoor reset functionality on the NCB-E, NCB-H, NFC, NFC-H, NHB, NFB, NHB-H, NFB-H and NPF series units.

Parts Kit - Combi-boiler
CH series parts kit designed to help service in the field.
NFC series parts kit designed to help service in the field.
NCB and NCB-E series parts kit designed to help service in the field.
NCB-H series parts kit designed to help service in the field.
NFC-H series parts kit designed to help service in the field.

Plumb Easy Valve Set, 1"
1" isolation valves without relief valve designed to work on NHB, NHB-H, NCB-E, NCB-H and NFC-H series units. Will not work with NCB-H and NFC-H Primary Stainless Steel Manifold (30026576B).

Plumb Easy Valve Set (V2)
Navien Plumb Easy Valves (V2) are designed to provide ease of installation and operation as well as for quick maintenance on all tankless water heater models featuring a compact, versatile design that is easy to use.

Primary Manifold Kit for NCB-H and NFC-H
Primary loop stainless steel manifold designed to work on NCB-H and NFC-H models for fast, clean installations. This package includes new stainless steel manifold, isolation valves with gaskets, PRV/air vent/LWCO adapter tree, air vent, threaded connection adapter with clip and LWCO plug.

RAL Adapter
RAL Adapter includes PRV/air vent/LWCO adapter tree, air vent, threaded connection adapter with clip and LWCO plug.

Ready-Link® Communication Cable
Required to cascade and common vent NPE, NPE-2, NPN, NCB-E, NCB-H, NFC, NFC-H, NFB, NFB-H, NFB-C, NHW-A series and NHB-110 & NHB-150 models.

Ready-Link® Rack (V3)
Ready-Link® Rack (V3) Base. The free standing rack system is designed for infield assembly for indoor and outdoor installations. Designed to work with NPE, NPE-2, NPN, NCB-E, NCB-H, NFC, NFC-H, NHB, NFB, NFB-H, NHB-H, NHW-A series units. Base rack allows installation for up to 2 units back to back.
Ready-Link® Rack (V3) Add-on. The add-on rack is designed to expand the base rack system allowing up to 16 units back to back on a free standing rack system. Designed to work with NPE, NPE-2, NPN, NCB-E, NCB-H, NFC, NFC-H, NHB, NHB-H, NFB and NFB-H series units for infield assembly. Approved for indoor and outdoor installations.

Residential Neutralizer (V2)
Residential condensate neutralizer for NPE-2, NCB-H, NFC-H, NHB, NHB-H, NFB-H and NPF series units designed to neutralize the condensate of one unit.
Replacement media for residential neutralizer.

Zone pump controller designed to work with the NCB, NFC, NFB, NFB-C, NHB-H and NHB series allowing control from 2 to 6 zone pumps.
2 Zones
3 Zones
4 Zones
6 Zones

Universal temperature sensor
Designed to sense supply, return or tank temperature of your hydronic heating system. Works with NFC, NFC-H, NHB, NFB, NHB-H, NFB-H and NFB-C series boilers.